And I’ll fly my flag Folks, this Friday is not only the First Friday, but it’s also the actual feast of the Sacred Heart. Please – get to Mass and make reparation to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart for all the indifference towards Him and the outrages committed against Him. As the sodomites celebrate “Pride”, let…
Don’t buy the hype
This is no longer a serious country Ladies, (I use that term loosely, here) please get out of the gutter and back into the kitchen. Harris Buttkicker was absolutely right.
Distractions abound
While you were looking at this and this and this The WHO was putting its finishing touches on a treaty for global health that member states will vote on at the end of this month. Notice very few, if any, mainstream media outlets are talking about this. They spent the winter distracting you with…
Let’s gets some things straight here If you read this article CAREFULLY, you’ll note the usual talking points: “highly pathogenic”, crossing over to dairy cows, the need for pasteurization, and that no humans have been sick outside of one person in Texas. But if this is not a public health crisis then explain this portion of the article: “To quell…
It’s all your fault
They’re making a massive pivot. First the NYT article and Chris Cuomo’s back peddling on the vaccine. Now, his brother, former NY tyrannical governor grins as he admits he really had no authority to enact and enforce covid mandates. But people complied nonetheless. We are witnessing the controlled demolition of the COVID narrative. I’m not…
A call to holiness for all medical providers
A lovely reader of Ann’s blog wrote in with some backstory concerning the photo at the top of my blog. The photo, taken in 1956, was of 8 a.m. morning payers at Leeds General Infirmary in the UK. I am sad to report that the conduct of today’s nurses (and all medical providers for that…
Minor Rogation days – praying for our food
According to the traditions of the Church, the three days preceding Ascension Thursday (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday THIS week) are minor rogation days (the major day is April 25 – also the feast of St Mark). The Church instituted these days of prayer and fasting in order to appease God’s Justice for man’s transgressions,…
Today’s NYT scratches the surface
The stories in this article are a mere tip of the iceberg: nerve injuries, autonomic dysfunction, and cardiac problems are just a snippet of the fallout from these wicked shots that were pushed on the entire population – including children. But it’s good to see the Gray Lady saying the quiet part out loud.®i_id=153529483&segment_id=165525&te=1&user_id=2b84d73d513718c210fd8c5f93d4113a