Pray for this woman’s conversion now. She needs it more than ever.
A most efficacious novena
Today, November 30, is the feast of St. Andrew, big brother of St. Peter and Our Lord’s first apostle. On this feast day, it is traditional to begin the St Andrew Christmas novena. Unlike most novenas which are offered for 9 days, this one lasts for 25 days – from today until Christmas Eve. I…
🚨action item 🚨(updated)
Today, Friday November 29, the UK parliament will vote on legalizing assisted dying. Americans are busy bargain-hunting, but please: hear Mass, offer an extra rosary, or make a holy hour and pray that this bill does NOT pass. We’ve already seen the death and destruction that legalized euthanasia has brought to other countries, especially Canada…
Aggressively share this video
This video was sent to me recently, and I think it should be shared far and wide, especially with clergy who gaslighted the faithful into accepting vaccination “for the greater good” 🙄
“Deliberate targeting”
If you’re not outraged about the literal genocide happening in the Middle East, perhaps you should watch this in its entirety. Then examine your conscience. The phrase “deliberate targeting” was used more than I could count. Deliberate targeting of children, deliberate targeting of ambulances, deliberate targeting of civilians, and so on. Soon, testimony like this,…
Who didn’t see this coming?
This entire thing wicked from the onset: a blue-haired “non-binary” appearing character, the rainbow rosary, the commission of a “gay pride” artist in its creation, and the very obvious anime face (anime is incredibly dark; if you’re looking at it or your children are into it, BEWARE). Alas, here we are The use of anime…
Meet your new Secretary of State:
Marco Rubio speaking about Hamas terrorısts. As Secretary of State does he make the most sense? — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) November 12, 2024 Ladies and gentleman, the allegedly Catholic Marco Rubio, your soon-to-be Secretary of State, wants you to know he supports genocide. He wants this video posted, so here it is. “What…
Update on the West Virginia euthanasia vote
In case you missed it, I highlighted a ballot measure in West Virginia that would amend the state constitution and prevent medically assisted dying (aka euthanasia) from ever being ratified in the state. For some extremely puzzling reason, I could find zero reportage on this proposal in any Catholic media outlet. My understanding is that…
If you own a small business…
….or private medical practice, pay attention: Reportage and details here: /
Meet Trump’s new Chief of Staff
I warned about supporting Trump. It pained me to see so many deceived and so many lining up to cast their vote for Warp Speed Daddy. And now those same people gloat over the fact that their (not really) pro-life lesser-of-two-evils overlord is back in charge. If you’re one of those people then let me…