Amendment 1 If you live in West Viriginia, you WILL have the opportunity to vote “yes” on amendment one and prohibit the euthanasia death ghouls from every practicing in your state. Here is a direct quote from the bill: “No person, physician, or health care provider in the State of West Virginia shall participate in…
Author: Nurse Claire
A grinning ghoul
In May, the BBC ran documentary called “Better Off Dead” which examined the issue of assisted suicide and the practice of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). The show was hosted by Liz Carr, a British actress (also a lesbian who claims to be the wife of another woman 🙄). Carr is an actress by profession,…
“War is a racket”
Gotta keep that war machine going
The Sodom of the South is destroyed
Lots and lots of souls have been lost with Helene. And curiously, the media is absent, as is federal government relief. Interesting. The Sodom of The South is also a hotbed for witches: But, Asheville is only a snippet of the area affected by Helene. The death and destruction is massive, and will likely…
Already said but worth repeating
Look folks, CATHOLICS CANNOT SUPPORT IVF. I know there are lots and lots of arguments being made right now that “Harris is worse than Trump” and “at least Trump wants more babies” but I am going to say it louder this time for the people in the back: IVF is INTRINSICALLY EVIL and Catholics cannot…
The culture of death continues apace
The Venice film festival just wrapped up, and its top prize was awarded to a film celebrating euthanasia. While Americans continue arguing over the merits of gestational limits on abortion, the culture of death gains traction on issues like euthanasia and in vitro fertilization This film received an 18-minute standing ovation. EIGHTEEN minutes!!! Folks, there…
What more will it take?
Mea culpa – I want to clear the air
In previous episodes of the Barnhardt podcast, I’ve mentioned the Weston A. Price foundation as a source for decent nutritional information. However, I want to clarify something: the Weston A. Price foundation served a big purpose in my life, which was to allow me to connect to farmers who supply meat raised with the cleanest…
The DNC satanic ritual
This makes me feel physically ill. But putting all feelings aside, it’s clear that the entire convention has become a public satanic ritual. I’m not a priest and can’t tell anyone what to do, but me thinks some penance and prayers of reparation are in order here. As our friend NonVeni Mark always says, stay…
Mercola’s downward spiral continues
Dr. Karen Becker, DVM, who collaborated with Dr Joe Mercola on wholesome pet food & supplements has announced that she, too, is cutting ties with him. She writes, “I have also been made aware of a simultaneous abrupt shift in the platform’s mission, which entails pivoting toward a spiritual focus that includes “trans-channeling…