According to the traditions of the Church, the three days preceding Ascension Thursday (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday THIS week) are minor rogation days (the major day is April 25 – also the feast of St Mark). The Church instituted these days of prayer and fasting in order to appease God’s Justice for man’s transgressions, ask protection in calamities, and PRAY FOR A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. Given the assaults on our food chain, I want to focus on this opportunity to implore God’s assistance.
I’m sure I don’t need to remind this readership about all the globalist threats to our food supply. The diabolical practices of Big Food and Big Ag have violated God’s creation; widespread chronic health problems stemming from these grotesque practices could even be considered a chastisement.
Let us pray to appease God’s anger towards these abuses, for His protection against ongoing calamities, and that we receive the blessing of a bountiful (and healthy) harvest.
Attend Mass one (or all) of these days if you can and practice some form of fasting. It is customary to recite the Litany of Saints on the occasion of these days.
From a practical standpoint, make friends with a farmer. It’s farmers’ market season now, so one strategy that has been particularly effective for me is to make the rounds to as many markets as I can. Meet the farmers who not only grow produce, but raise livestock; ask questions about their farming practices. How are the animals raised? Are they given medications of any kind (growth hormones, antibiotics, vaccines, etc)? Are they pastured with access to fresh grass, bugs, and sunshine? Are the animals allowed to forage for their food or do they receive GMO “feed”. My file cabinet now has an entire folder full of business cards, brochures, and pamphlets from farmers in my area. I have a beef guy, a chicken guy, a pork guy, a raw milk guy, and an egg provider. You can easily do the same and I strongly suggest that you do.
What’s on the horizon does not look promising, at least in the short term. The narrative of the H5N1 will be used to cull not just chickens but cows, too. You should expect a shortage of meat and an increase in prices soon – likely by the end of summer.
Prepare now but most importantly, join me in observing these rogation days. PRAY.