By now, it’s obvious that the Republican Party is not the vanguard of morality. But the recent decision of the Alabama Supreme Court to regard human embryos as unborn children has provided another exhibition of the GOP’s double-speak.
First, let’s give some background: IVF might be noble in its intentions. Infertility is a very heavy cross to bear and if couples can be assisted to have children, that seems like a good thing. But, as always, we cannot use evil means to accomplish a good. The Catholic Church has always been opposed to IVF, but it seems the average pew sitter doesn’t understand why. To be blunt, in vitro fertilization involves masturbation, mutilation, and abortion. The following video gives a good overview on the very dark side of IVF that is often overlooked by Catholics and many “pro-life” advocates: (viewer discretion advised)
So yes, in vitro fertilization involves porn & masturbation, high-powered exogenous hormones for egg donation (often linked to cancer), and the destruction of tiny, vulnerable human beings. That’s the whole crux of the matter: even though they’re microscopic embryos, these tiny creatures are no less human than you and I. Yet here they are, being created by mad scientists outside of the marital embrace and trafficked like a commodity.
Anyone who says they believe life begins at conception (an undeniable scientific fact) must oppose this practice, no matter the emotions attached to it.
This occasion has provided more unmasking of the fake “pro-life” GOP
The Republicans will try any and all means of mental gymnastics to walk this back. Many prominent GOPers, including Nikki Haley, have admitted that embryos are children & fully human, yet these same people are championing the production, destruction, and trafficking of said humans.
At this point, I almost have more tolerance for the Left. At least they admit who they are and what (evil) they stand for. But Republicans and so-called conservatives are too cowardly to publicly admit to their evil. Like fork-tongued snakes they continue claiming their pro-life credentials while shilling for contraception, sodomy, exceptions for abortion, assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, and abortion-tainted biotechnologies.
As always, I try to bring the receipts to back up my claims. Links below so you can witness the double-speak for yourself: