Folks, I really hope I’m wrong about this, but I’m going to make a prediction: you WILL see a return of The Face Diaper in the next few weeks to months. All the subtle hints are there, from the rhetoric of indotrina…er, I mean, “news” shows, to Fauci’s public appearances, to school boards in several states. The masks will return. Everyone knows they don’t work (except for a few die-hard magic thinkers), but that’s not the point. Do you honestly believe the nerds at the NIH and the CDC eggheads really think masks stop a respiratory virus? Of course they don’t; I’ve linked to studies here dating back to the 70s and 80s, and Kellogg demonstrated in 1920 that masks do not reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. THEY KNOW THAT. They’ve known all along. Yet the CDC still continues to recommend their use. And as we’ve all seen over the last several years, CDC recommendations are treated like mandates.
I predict that the CDC recommendations will lead to mandates once again, from your local grocery store to your local library. All of it. Because it will become, for these businesses, a matter of legal liability. If there’s an “outbreak”, there could follow legal liability issues when an outbreak is traced back to a school, place of business, etc that did not require face masks. And their insurers could drop them. It’s a perfect plan: mandate masks without really mandating them. The FedGov will wash its hands by conveniently claiming they did not mandate anything, and the CDC will say the same. But you’ll be muzzled up nonetheless.
The masking for COVID is a game, a psychological operation. Brace yourself because I think we are just in a lull before the action gets rolling again.