On this the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress have released this update to the scandalous, MURDEROUS Pitt fetal research: It will be interesting to see if the Biden DOJ actually prosecutes this egregious crime, which the Trump justice department failed to do. May Our Lady of…
Have some Mexican hot chocolate today……
…..and contemplate the miracles of Our Lady of Guadaloupe. Relevant then, still relevant today. God is so good.
In case you missed it
Dr Mazza put together an outstanding online conference this past weekend to discuss the current situation surrounding the papacy. You can watch the whole thing in its entirety here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdUofsdb7m4 Or skip ahead to the chapters/speakers that interest you: Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:14 – Welcome to the Conference 6:36 – Speaker: Father Paul Kramer 46:53 – Speaker: Ann…
“What Every Catholic Needs to Know About IVF and Moral Cooperation With Evil”
https://www.ncregister.com/blog/ivf-and-moral-cooperation-with-evil I’m posting the link to this article because I believe this is a profound evil that lurks in the shadows. In vitro fertilization, or IVF as it’s more commonly known, does not receive adequate coverage from the pro-life “movement” nor from the pulpit. Yes, one can find numerous articles that have appeared over the…
Thank you, Captain Obvious
Yesterday (Dec. 2), the British Medical Journal published an article that examined 597 studies of masks to reduce COVID infection in children. What did they find? “Real-world effectiveness of child mask mandates against SARS-CoV-2 transmission or infection has not been demonstrated with high-quality evidence. The current body of scientific data does not support masking children…
First Friday
Go to Mass today. It’s the first Friday of December and a perfect chance to make reparation to Our Lord for the outrages committed against His Most Sacred Heart. If you’ve kept this devotion of the nine First Fridays already, that’s excellent! If you’ve grown lukewarm in this devotion or never got started, here’s some…
Today is the feast of St Andrew
And so begins the St Andrew Christmas novena. I’m sharing this novena with you because it’s quite powerful; say the prayer 15 times daily from today (November 30) until Christmas Eve: Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment at which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin in a stable…
If you aren’t already, please pray for Cardinal Burke…NOW!
Let us pray for Cardinal Burke, for his protection, for wisdom, and for COURAGE
There’s a war on for your mind…literally
I hate to borrow a phrase from Alex Jones, but if the shoe fits, I’m going to wear it. The level of surveillance and propaganda here is Soviet-style. I debated on how to paraphrase this article, but it’s so extensive that I’ve decided to post it here for you to read yourself. And then, read…
A feast day so appropriate for the month of the Poor Souls
Holy Mother Church devotes the month of November to pray for the suffering souls of Purgatory, whose sufferings are beyond anything we can imagine in this earthly life. We call these souls “poor” because they can merit nothing for themselves, instead relying on our prayers and sacrifices. Today, November 16, marks the feast of St….