I was texting with a dear friend recently (who, coincidentally took me to my first TLM so very many years ago); he sent me a few papers on the ineffectiveness of masks, which we all know but it’s still nice to see it in print. The idea occurred to me to link them here for…
Stop demonizing abortion and start humanizing the mice!
Nikki Haley wants you to “treat this like a respectful issue that it is and humanize the situation and stop demonizing the situation” Ladies and gentleman, the only thing that’s being humanized by pro-aborts is mice. As we revealed early on in the pandemic with monoclonal antibodies, the biotech industry and Big Pharma are completely…
Dr. Beep highly recommends:
Cross-post from Ann’s blog. Dr. Beep highly recommends this book, and it occupies a spot on my personal bookshelf as well. You’ll find a link for it within her post: https://www.barnhardt.biz/2023/08/26/dr-beep-sends-turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/
I went to Walmart yesterday
I don’t typically shop there, but I had some errands to run and it was convenient to my location. I discovered something new as I browsed through the children’s section: plus-size clothes for kids. What a sad state. Seed oils and sugars have destroyed the health of adults, but the last several years I’ve seen…
It’s elderberry season……get cooking!!
Elderberries are now in season, and I highly recommend taking advantage of them to combat the upcoming “tripledemic”! In case you didn’t know, elderberries have antiviral properties AND they help enhance your immune system by propping up the cytokine response (in a good way, not in the COVID-cytokine-storm way). Several papers have been published that…
Vivek is just another puppet on the stage
I woke up this morning to find a multitude of texts from friends and colleagues regarding last night’s Republican “debate”. Everyone was in agreement that Vivek Ramaswamy said all the right things, nailing each & every issue that’s discussed around American kitchen tables these days. But taking a closer look at this guy, I decided…
I do not know the credibility of the leaks that allege the return of mask mandates and lockdowns, but I assure you that masks, surgical, N95, and KN95, DO NOT stop the spread of respiratory viruses. I could link to scientific articles all day long, but instead I’ll just post this video. It’s worth your…
Why I Won’t Be Seeing “Sound of Fiction”
This morning, a friend texted to ask if I wanted to see the Caviezel movie “the Sound of Freedom”. My answer? A resounding no. That’s not to say child trafficking isn’t real. I believe that it is. I believe sex abuse is an enormous problem (for anyone who doesn’t, please read The Franklin Coverup, which…