While I’m totally on board with the idea that politics is a giant show, I enjoyed this act : She is absolutely correct. This sex pervert was at the front and center of the COVID scam, and he did offer shelter for his own mother while sending thousands of others off to slaughter. And that…
The narrative is shifting
More of the “quiet part out loud” – today, Newsweek published an op-Ed by Dr. Pierre Kory. Yes, THAT Pierre Kory of FLCCC & ivermectin fame https://www.newsweek.com/why-are-death-disability-rising-among-young-americans-opinion-1837006 This piece dares to hint that the increased death and disability in the young adult population just might be related to the COVID vaccines. Mayyyybeeeee. Ya think?? 🙄…
CNN says the quiet part out loud
CNN issued a new report today that literally states, openly and unequivocally, that the current vaccines for both influenza and COVID “may” increase the risk of stroke, particularly if they are administered simultaneously. I know the words “may” and “slightly” are used, but the risk of STROKE is a very big deal. Sit with that…
Must See TV👀
Keep the emotions in check, folks
Now I’m not saying the pics coming out of Israel are fake, BUT we know the press is not above exaggerating or embellishing the truth and even outright lying in order to stir up emotions. For some reason, they are willing to show you extremely graphic, violent images right now (while withholding the same from…
The most dangerous rhetoric you’ll hear
Around the 1:45 mark, she gets to the meat of it. You’ll need a formal deprogramming, comrade.
This isn’t news
This isn’t news; we’ve known for probably a decade that PP was a large peddler of cross-sex hormone “therapy”. But in case your friends aren’t aware, here’s an article to share https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ffreebeacon.com%2Flatest-news%2Fplanned-parenthood-is-helping-teenagers-transition-after-a-30-minute-consult-parents-and-doctors-are-sounding-the-alarm%2F Most of us voted in 2016 to have Planned Parenthood defunded. That did NOT happen. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you your…
Not medical advice
This is not medical advice. I’m leaving the following information here for your discernment: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6085345/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7458798/ https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/how-fenbendazole-works/
15 anti-cancer mechanisms of Ivermectin
Interesting substack here for your discernment https://makismd.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-cancer-it-has-at-least
Cross posting
Cross posting this from Ann and, first, NonVeni Mark. https://www.barnhardt.biz/2023/09/29/for-aggressive-distribution-open-letter-from-a-priest-they-know-something-is-foul-and-amiss-with-francis-perhaps-they-prefer-a-comfortable-and-dishonest-ignorance-i-do-not-know-their/ Read it. Not just once, but twice and maybe even more. Then, send it to family, friends, and priests. May God bless and keep us in these dark days. -NC