Notice all the usual verbiage that we saw during CONvid: died “with” and not from.

But don’t worry, there’s a “safe and effective vaccine” for this.
The MMR vaccine is neither safe nor effective. Plenty of anecdotal reports have poured in from gaslit parents who say their child’s neurological deficits or regression began in conjunction with the administration of the MMR vaccine. What’s more, the vaccine is ineffective in some people. I am one of them. Before I knew of the use of aborted fetal cell line in the creation of the MMR shot, I readily received a booster dose at age 18 when entering undergrad nursing school. As part of the admission process, I had blood drawn to check for immunity, and I was told I had none. A booster was given. Later, for an employment physical, I had the same issue. Another booster. Another upon entry to grad school. And another after my first pregnancy when I was told I again had no immunity. I’ve had more MMR boosters than I can count until in 2016 I said no more. Knowing what I know now, I recognize this shot is a failure on multiple levels. Not only does it contain dangerous adjuvants with toxic neurologic effects, it does not provide lifelong immunity (natural infection does), and as I said, in some people it fails to provide any immunity.
Yet, there is a now a national narrative attempting to create measles hysteria and drive an anti antivax agenda.
Don’t be fooled. Boost your immunity naturally and keep vitamin A on hand for any infection that does occur.
The real epidemic here is autism and chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune ones. I have a sneaking hunch that ALL the shots are manipulating our immune and endocrine systems in ways we do not understand while Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.

The picture above notes the absurdity of the childhood vaccination schedule and actually isn’t completely accurate since prenatal exposure to maternal flu, COVID, and RSV vaccines is not shown.
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