I am sure that many of my readers have followed Dr. Joseph Mercola over the years; I know I have so it only stands to reason that anyone who is interested in natural remedies to heal ailments would be interested in what he has to say. Over the years, Dr. Mercola has been a powerhouse of information and products pertaining to nutrition, supplements, and natural health remedies. He could get a little New Age-y at times, but I told myself I could ignore & look past those things.
Well, it looks like his New Age practices have finally caught up with him. I noticed things started to seem off with him several months ago when he denounced the ketogenic diet, then his wife, Erin, tweeted out some bizarre and cryptic tweets implying that he had lost his way and asking for prayers. (She failed to provide detailed info, citing legal reasons ).
It turns out, rumors have been swirling for awhile. I don’t like gossip, insinuation, or innuendo, but I feel inclined to warn readers about this.
It appears that in 2023, Dr. Mercola began consulting with a man, Kai Clay, who identifies as a psychic that channels an entity he calls “Bahlon”. I could post links but this stuff is super creepy and demonic so I don’t think it’s prudent. If your radar isn’t pinging by now, then you need to recalibrate your sensors.
Anyway, after consulting with this man, Dr. Mercola, in February of 2024, fired four of his executive staff members – all of whom are practicing Catholics (and one of those individuals is his sister, Janet Selvig). An email allegedly written by Dr. Mercola himself attributed the staff terminations to their Catholic beliefs, and Mercola went on to smear the Catholic Church as a “global cabal” that controls “50% of the wealth of the world and created all the pain that most people experience.” Ummmmmm what?!?!?!
It’s also noteworthy that Mercola has severed his ties with the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), run by a woman who is a self-proclaimed Christian. I do not know if the two events are related, but she has released a statement that you can read here
The arena of alternative medicine is rife with New Age, occult practices. My reason for pointing this out is because faithful Catholics can easily become ensnared and as Holy Mother Church warns us, led us down a very dangerous path. I think one can clear see that at play in this situation. In most cases, the occultism and anti-God message is subtle. For example, Mercola’s June 3 article asks “Are you feeding your soul or the Enemy?” (see the screenshot above of the super subversive & suggestive article). Judging from his email comments, I would assume by enemy he means the Catholic Church. Proceed with caution about any of these people that you may follow in pursuit of health information. We can all agree that modern medicine certainly has problems associated with it, but so does the field of alternative medicine. Any New Age practices should not be easily dismissed or overlooked.
We’ve just celebrated the feast of Pentecost. Now more than ever, let us pray for the guidance, wisdom, and discernment of the Holy Ghost, and ask that God give us eyes and ears ONLY for Truth so that we never fall into deception.
Please pray for Dr. Mercola and his family.
You can read more here:
https://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/supplements/dr-mercola-allegedly-plans-to-introduce-psychic-advisor-to-followers- (this is reason to not subscribe to his new letters – you will absolutely be receiving diabolical information)