Today is Tuesday, and if you have a special prayer intention, you can offer the St Martha novena for 9 consecutive Tuesdays. St. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus, was a close friend of Our Lord’s, and He was likely a frequent visitor to her home. We know from the Gospel of John that while her sister Mary anointed His Feet, “Martha served.” She wasn’t a prolific miracle worker or evangelist, she simply served Our Lord. The Gospel also tells us that Jesus loved Martha, her sister Mary, and Lazarus. Upon the death of Lazarus, Martha sought Jesus to let Him know what had happened and she professed her deep faith in Him. I can attest to this most efficacious novena, as St Martha has interceded for me on a very big need. So, I am going to leave this prayer here in an effort to spread the devotion.
Obtain a blessed candle and light it in honor of St Martha, then pray:
“O admirable Saint Martha, I have recourse to thee and I depend entirely on thy intercession in my trials.
In thanksgiving, I promise to spread this devotion everywhere.
I humbly beg there to console me in all my difficulties.
By the immense joy that filled thy soul when thou didst receive the Redeemer of the world at thy home in Bethany, be pleased to intercede for me and my family, in order that we may keep God in our hearts and therefore , deserve to obtain the remedy to our necessities, expertly the present situation that overwhelms me.
(Mention your intentions here)
I implore thee, O Auxilliatrice in all needs; help us to overcome our difficulties, thou who so victorious fought the devil.
Recite 3 times one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be, and the invocation “Saint Martha, pray for us.”