I warned about supporting Trump. It pained me to see so many deceived and so many lining up to cast their vote for Warp Speed Daddy.
And now those same people gloat over the fact that their (not really) pro-life lesser-of-two-evils overlord is back in charge.
If you’re one of those people then let me introduce you to just who Trump has appointed as his new chief of staff, Susie Wiles.
I’ll cut right to the chase: Wiles is a former big pharma lobbyist whose clients were extremely profitable during the SCAMdemic, ranging from companies who developed the tests to the shots. Even Gilead, maker of the infamous Run Death Is Near, shows up on this woman’s LinkedIn profile. And at one point she worked closely with GAVI, Bill Gate’s Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative
Friends, you’ve been duped. You chose to memory-hole the events of 2020 in order to throw your support behind a man who not only allowed the Fauci Ouchi and the 15 Days to Flatten the Curve, but happily signed the CARES Act (a massive transfer of wealth and the permission slip to grant hospitals big bucks for ventilating and poisoning people to death)
If you expect anything to change under the new Trump 2.0 Administration, expect that it’ll change for the worse.
And no, I’m not a Democrat. Nor do I support Biden Harris. I’m just sayin’.
But hey, let’s Drain the Swamp, right guys?
“Given these immense financial interests, it’s not hard to ascertain which forces drive the “Wiles M.O.” The majority of Americans have already decided they want somebody new in the White House, reports the Associated Press. However, Politico notes “the even greater power [Wiles] might have if Trump wins later this year,” offering a glimpse into the aggressively pro-Big Pharma platform circling a second Trump presidency.” – https://vermontdailychronicle.com/big-pharma-courting-trump/
The power of this appointment cannot be understated: