In May, the BBC ran documentary called “Better Off Dead” which examined the issue of assisted suicide and the practice of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). The show was hosted by Liz Carr, a British actress (also a lesbian who claims to be the wife of another woman 🙄). Carr is an actress by profession, but she’s also disabled and has made a name for herself as a strong advocate for the disabled & opponent of assisted dying. In 2011, Carr said, “I fear we’ve so devalued certain groups of people—ill people, disabled people, older people—that I don’t think it’s in their best interests to enshrine in law the right of doctors to kill certain people.” She’s right.
Even though the documentary aired in May, it’s picked up traction on X today with this 6-minute clip. Here, Carr interviews Dr. Ellen Weibe. Warning: you should say the St Micheal prayer before watching. This woman gives off a vibe I want no part of
Weibe grins from ear to ear as she describes that she’s murdered over 400 people in the last 7 years since Canada began its MAiD program. That’s nearly one person EVERY WEEK. Just sit with that for a second and let it sink in. Weibe also runs an abortion clinic. No surprise there.
But the thing that stood out most to me is how Weibe, smile faded & long gone, accused Carr of wanting to sentence people to unbearable suffering because of Carr’s opposition to the murder of the disabled.
This is what we are up against. It is imperative that we as faithful Catholics fearlessly articulate why it’s wrong to participate in the death of another. Yes, people can contract horrible diseases and suffer terribly. But remember: Our Lord, Innocence itself, died the most horrific death ever known. There is redemptive value to our suffering, and we must work to alleviate as much suffering as we can while not expediting or causing the death of another. Only God is the author of life and death.
This “doctor” works in Canada but make no mistake: euthanasia groups are working tirelessly to make sure this evil is coming soon to a town near you. I pulled this picture from the website of Compassion and Choices, a “death with dignity” euthanasia advocacy group :

As you can see, 10 states plus DC have legal medical assistance in dying but numerous other states have legislation pending in various stages. Inform yourself as to what’s happening in your state and contact your legislators to fight against adopting this practice.
It is evil to the core. Pray and fast that it meets its timely end.