While you were looking at this

and this

and this

The WHO was putting its finishing touches on a treaty for global health that member states will vote on at the end of this month.
Notice very few, if any, mainstream media outlets are talking about this. They spent the winter distracting you with Taylor Swift’s boyfriend (who really cares?), running a giant psy op with the Hamas vs Israel narrative, and now wall-to-wall coverage of the Trump scandal involving a porn star.
But this WHO treaty is the biggest news story of the year. Why? Because the treaty on global pandemic responsiveness will affect literally every square inch of the globe, and remove all national sovereignty from member states. Remember when Sweden refused to lock down? And when parts of the U.S. remained relatively free? That’ll all get the kabosh when this treaty is ratified.
With the declaration of a global health emergency, literally ANYTHING that the WHO deems a threat, the World Health Organization will have the power to override any local government response. You can be locked down and force-vaccinated under this treaty. This is the end game for totalitarianism; the communists aren’t just coming – they’re already here.
In March 2024, the WHO launched its climate toolkit for physicians and healthcare providers – essentially what amounts to talking points that attempt to convince doctors that “climate change” is a public health crisis that they must address.
Environmentalism and public health have now joined forces to enforce worldwide communism. And if you’ve been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.