Opill, the first OTC birth control pill, began online sales Monday and will soon be available at retailers like Walgreens and CVS. Yes, women can now acquire oral contraceptives without a prescription since Opill was approved by the FDA in July.
So far, there are no age restrictions that I’m aware of. This means your 14-year-old could legally purchase a powerful hormonal “medication” without your consent or knowledge, and she wouldn’t even have to bother making a trip to the local Planned Parenthood abattoir for a prescription.
Opill is a progestin only contraceptive. The way it works is via multiple actions:
1. It thickens the cervical mucus, in theory making it more difficult for sperm to enter.
2. It thins the lining of the uterus, making implantation more difficult should fertilization (conception) occur.
3. It suppresses ovulation, although 40% of women taking Opill will still ovulate.
Please note the action listed in number 2. This is clearly abortifacient, meaning abortion-inducing. Fertilization (conception) happens in the fallopian tubes, and the embryo, a human being, travels from the tube to the uterus where implantation takes place. If implantion is thwarted, then a very early-stage abortion actually occurs. Yes this can happen naturally and an early miscarriage would ensue before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. But deliberately causing this is very much an abortion.
The FDA has listed side effects of Opill as mild:
- Irregular bleeding
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Increased appetite
- Abdominal pain
- Cramps or bloating
But it fails to mention Opill could be death-inducing for the tiniest among us. Not to mention, thinning the lining of the uterus can, in some women, be an irreversible process that leads to infertility later in life.
May we continue to labor in defense of life. And may God have mercy upon this nation.