The American Academy of Pediatrics, a Marxist front organization that claims to have the best interest of children in mind, is finally being sued. The plaintiff is a young woman from Florida who was rushed through the “transitioning” process at the ripe old age of 14, after online grooming began when she was 11. She’s also suing the doctors responsible for her mutilation, but the AAP is also named in the suit, since their 2018 guidelines set the national practice standard for pediatric care providers dealing with “transgender youth”.
I sincerely believe we will see more of these types of lawsuits. And I pray this opened the floodgates. These monsters must be held accountable in this life so that they have some chance of repentance before they face eternal justice in the life to come.
You can see her story here:
Pray for this young lady. Pray in thanksgiving that she was brought out of this wickedness but also pray for her healing and perseverance.