I mentioned my repeated “boosting” with the MMR to no avail. Apparently, I’m not the only one
Bird flu isn’t for a human pandemic
I said once before that the bird flu scare isn’t going to cause widespread sickness and death among humans. Instead it’s an attack on our food supply. Zoetis has produced a bird flu vaccine and the Trump administration could decide (via various regulatory agencies) to move forward with vaccinating chickens and cows, especially under pressure…
They’re at it again
Notice all the usual verbiage that we saw during CONvid: died “with” and not from. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/wireStory/new-mexico-adult-dies-measles-cause-death-confirmed-119530998 But don’t worry, there’s a “safe and effective vaccine” for this. The MMR vaccine is neither safe nor effective. Plenty of anecdotal reports have poured in from gaslit parents who say their child’s neurological deficits or regression began in…
Can vitamin A help with measles mortality?
If you are worried about measles infection in yourself or your family, consider this paper from the Cochrane Review, which seems to demonstrate that found that vitamin A can reduce mortality from the sequelae of measles infection. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7076287/ I am by no means suggesting anyone mega-dose on vitamin A in perpetuity. I am suggesting that…
Never ever trust a Kennedy
What a very convenient way to convince anti vaxxers that they should get the MMR vaccine if their anti vaxx leader is suddenly pro vaxx?? Or something. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/robert-f-kennedy-jr-measles-outbreak-call-action-all-us Just leading them like the pied piper that he is. When will you wake up and detach from the spectacle?
It’s a club….and you ain’t in it
How much more will it take for people to realize that the political stage (internationally, nationally, at the state level and to some extent even locally) is just that: a stage. It’s all a scam, a show, a farce…whatever word you’d like to use. It is so sad to me to watch so many good…
On Tuesdays, we pray
Today is Tuesday, and if you have a special prayer intention, you can offer the St Martha novena for 9 consecutive Tuesdays. St. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus, was a close friend of Our Lord’s, and He was likely a frequent visitor to her home. We know from the Gospel of John that while…
Get meat while you can
I’ve been harping for the past few years that folks should find local farmers, make friends with them, and source as much food from them as possible. Firstly, grocery store meat is not raised in a way that yields a good, clean, healthy, and nutritious product. For example, hogs raised in crates who never seen…
Ann and I tackle the third rail
Or at least part of the third rail: the untouchable, unmentionable Noahidism. Listen here If you’re unfamiliar with what Noahide Laws are, then it’s time to put this on your radar. These seven laws will be used to set the stage for the beast system & arrival of the big AC. Is it great…
So Trump withdraws from WHO
One of the first orders of business after yesterday’s inauguration was for President Trump to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization. Recall that his first time around, he withdrew funding from WHO only to back-door it via Bill Gates’ organization GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) https://www.gavi.org/news/media-room/united-states-endorses-gavi-recommendation-us-116-billion-four-year-commitment Watch to see what…